
Innovit labs

Transforming Healthcare Recruitment with JobOn

Category: Healthcare Recruitment

Services Provided:

  • Recruitment Platform Implementation.
  • Automation of Resume Review.
  • Candidate Evaluation Enhancement

Client’s Requirement

As a healthcare staffing agency, we faced numerous challenges in sourcing qualified candidates efficiently. Our traditional recruitment methods were time-consuming and lacked the effectiveness we needed to stay competitive in the industry. We knew there had to be a better way to connect talented healthcare professionals with the right opportunities. That's when we discovered JobOn, a revolutionary healthcare recruitment platform. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, JobOn promised to streamline our recruitment process and elevate our hiring efforts to new heights.


Increase in qualified candidates


Increase in qualified candidates

Challenges Faced:

Finding Quality Candidates

Traditional recruitment methods resulted in a limited pool of candidates, making it difficult to find top-tier healthcare professionals.
Solution: JobOn’s comprehensive job search and advanced filtering options allowed candidates to search for opportunities based on preferences and qualifications, expanding our reach.

Time-Consuming Resume Review

Manually reviewing resumes was a slow and inefficient process.
Solution: JobOn’s feature of resume review by industry experts or administrators expedited this process, ensuring only qualified candidates were considered.

Limited Candidate Evaluation Options

 Conducting evaluations required multiple rounds of interviews and tests, which was cumbersome and time-consuming.
Solution: JobOn’s exam scheduling module and seamless candidate evaluation system streamlined assessments, providing valuable insights into candidates’ skills and qualifications.

Key Features:

Comprehensive Job Search

A vast database of healthcare job listings, allowing candidates to search based on preferences and qualifications.

Advanced Filtering Options

Filters by location, specialty, experience level, and more, to find the perfect job match.

Resume Review by Experts/Admin

Industry experts review resumes, ensuring that only qualified candidates are considered for each position.

Fast-Track Hiring

Expedites the hiring process by focusing efforts on the most promising candidates.

Exam Scheduling Module

Enables recruiters to schedule offline tests and provides on-site evaluation capabilities

Seamless Candidate Evaluation

Allows recruiters to schedule and conduct assessments easily

Referral System

Incentivizes candidates to refer qualified professionals, expanding the talent pool

Expanded Candidate Pool

Candidates help increase the chances of finding the perfect match for each position by tapping into their networks


Thanks to JobOn’s innovative platform, our recruitment process has been transformed. We’ve seen a 40% increase in the number of qualified candidates applying for positions, resulting in a 30% reduction in time-to-hire. Additionally, our streamlined evaluation process has enabled us to make more informed hiring decisions, leading to a 25% decrease in turnover rates among newly hired employees.

Technology Stack Utilized

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools

Resources Required

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools

Recruitment platform tools


  • Highlight the successful transformation of the recruitment process with JobOn.
  • Emphasize the positive impact on candidate quality, time-to-hire, and employee retention.
  • Discuss ongoing commitment to leveraging innovative solutions to stay competitive in the healthcare recruitment industry.

Project Approach and Result:

Nextemi's approach focuses on understanding the Owner's unique business needs and tailoring solutions to address them effectively. Through continuous collaboration and feedback, the platform evolved to meet evolving market demands. The result was a win-win situation for all stakeholders, with increased efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. The owner's success story became a testament to Nextemi's commitment to revolutionizing the dropshipping industry worldwide.

Technology Stack

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